You’ll love Nobu Caremetics products or your money back!


At Nobu Caremetics we strive to never let down in the first place and offer high quality products which we hope you will really enjoy, but we understand that from time to time a product may need to be returned or exchanged due to various reasons. In the event of a return and to enable us to process your Refund/Exchange efficiently please follow these steps:


Unwanted Purchases/Your Right to Cancel

  • You must notify us of your intent to cancel within 14 working days of the date you received the item by e-mailing to We will then assist you with the request and provide further instructions such as the return address.
  • All return items of this nature must be in their original and unused & unopened / unsealed condition with original packaging intact.
  • A full refund (excluding original carriage charge if one was charged) of the order will be processed upon the item's successful return, minus a £4 return processing fee. Please note that the return shipping cost is not our responsibility and will not be reimbursed by us.


Additional notes

  • On the package or on a note inside the package, please clearly write your name and Order Reference Number.
  • Once the item has been delivered to the return address and we have confirmed to have processed the refund, normally it should reach your bank account that same day or the day after, but on the rare occasion where it may not, please allow up to 7 business days for your financial institution to reflect the refund, prior to contacting us.
  • If you have received badly damaged products, please contact us with images of the product/-s within 7 days. We will gladly send out a replacement order or issue you a partial refund.

Items Delayed or Lost in Transit - Almost all of the orders get delivered within the posted time frames, however, some external factors such as random customs inspections can sometimes cause unwanted delays. If your order shipping time exceeds the shipping time frame by 10 business days, please contact us and we will look into the matter immediately. If it appears to have gone multiple days with no update in the tracking information and we cannot seek an update from the courier as to the reason for this we will send out a replacement order, or issue you a full refund.

Lost or Stolen Packages - we are not responsible for lost or stolen packages confirmed to be delivered to the address entered for an order.

Please inquire with us providing your order details, and we will confirm the delivery to the address provided, date of delivery, tracking information and shipping carrier information for the customer to investigate further.

We take all the risk out of ordering by offering an unmatched satisfaction guarantee. We'll always do our best to take care of you.